The Saratoga Thoroughbrews is a club of dedicated home brewers.
The Saratoga Thoroughbrews is a homebrew club that was founded in the 1990s and is a registered club with the American Homebrewers Association. We welcome any and all who are interested in learning about homebrewing, whether you’ve never brewed before or have brewed for 20+ years! Our meetings consist of an update on local happenings, upcoming events, & club activities. Each month, we also incorporate an educational aspect, such as judging beer styles or learning about off-flavors. We also leave time to socialize, network and sample homebrew!
To be considered an official member on our roster, we ask that you join the American Homebrewers Association and identify the Saratoga Thoroughbrews as your club. However, that is NOT a requirement to be involved with the club. Feel free to come to a meeting anytime!
Our intra-club judging sessions are based on BJCP style guidelines.
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